Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Clear MSSQL Server Query Cache

NOTE: Strictly not for production servers and I mean it.

If you are first time optimizing query or choosing right index then you must know that SQL Server gives result from it's caches if query was already fired once. This is very useful feature but this behavior may tempt you to take wrong decision if this happens outside your knowledge.
You must see:

1. DBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS -- Cleans temp buffers and dirty data.  You may want to use CHECKPOINT before this command.

2. DBCC FREEPROCCACHE -- Use this to clear execution plans 

I've not given FREEPROCCACHE with parameters which you may or may not be interested in but you should check out the link of microsoft site given there.

NOTE: Strictly not for production servers and I mean it.

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