Thursday, December 11, 2008

Database Indexes: tips

Database Indexes are sometime tricky. But it's easy to fall into traps by following simple advices. Here are some common tips (specific to t-sql and it may or may not apply to other RDBMS) listed here:

Sample Database Table:

Primary Key, Clustered Index, Numeric
Part of multi-column index on "Customer_Name, Customer_Mobile, Customer_Location", Varchar
Indexed, Varchar
Part of multi-column index on "Customer_Name, Customer_Location"

1. Index is not used, when columns is in function
Example of Bad:
Select * from customer
where IsNull(Customer_Name,'!true') = IsNull(@CustomerName, '!true')

Good query:
Select * from customer
where Customer_Name= @CustomerName
OR (Customer_Name is null AND @CustomerName is null)
2. On DataType mismatch,
Example of Bad:
Select * from customer
where Customer_Mobile = 9900114477

Select * from customer
where Customer_Id = '2'

Good query:

Select * from customer
where Customer_Mobile = '9900114477'

Select * from customer
where Customer_Id = 2
3. Using Like on Wrong End:
Example of Bad:

Select * from customer
where Customer_Name LIKE '%ram'

Good Option:

If you are gonna use put % always at first, use reverse Indexing
4. : Multi-column Index is created with wrong sequence of columns
Example of Bad: 
Select * from Customer 
Where Customer_Name = 'CN' and Customer_Location = 'CL'
Good Option:
On Index is on columns: 
1. Customer_Name
2. Customer_Mobile 
3. Customer_Location
Which is only used when one of these is in your where clause:
1. Customer_Name
2. Customer_Name and Customer_Mobile 
3. All three, Customer_Name, Customer_Mobile and Customer_Location
So only option is to modify Index Or Add new index on Customer_Location 

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